Is mountain biking exciting? Yes of course! Is MTB only cross country? Definitely not! Seekers of extreme adventure, for whom cross-country races are not enough, are looking not only for demanding areas – they want to gain access to inaccessible areas, which no one has ever driven before!
The film North of Nightfall, produced in the USA, for which Red Bull Media House and Freeride Entertainment are responsible, is an exciting story of love for downhill, the beauty of nature and achieving the unattainable. In a place where the winter lasts up to nine months, uncompromising cyclists appear, who will traverse the terrains so far inaccessible. Captivating landscapes and perfect, breathtaking photos of the Arctic, however, are not only the background of the story about overcoming human borders, courage, cooperation and sharing passion – they appear here as a full-fledged hero, delighted with majesty and mystery unfolded around them during their first contact. Seemingly dangerous, but eventually tamed by above average talented cyclists, for whom the bike is a lifestyle.
Darren Berrecloth, Carson Storch, Cam Zink and Tom Van Steenbergen prove that downhill knows no boundaries, and that man can work hard to successfully cross his own.